Matteo’s battle was not just about undertaking a great personal challenge, it was also about raising awareness and generating support for a fantastic charity: Associazione Italiana per la Lotta al Neuroblastoma.

The Association was founded in July 2013 at the “G. Gaslini” Paediatric Hospital in Genoa. The goal of the Association is to defeat Neuroblastoma and Paediatric Solid Brain Tumours, to help children and give them the hope to grow, run, play…live!


The focus areas of the Association are:

– Raise funds to support scientific research on Neuroblastoma and Paediatric Brain Tumours
– Support programmes that enhance collaboration between clinical and scientific research
– Raise awareness
– Train and fund researchers
– Create links between clinical and scientific centres
– Develop and strengthen the capabilities of the Neuroblastoma and Paediatric Brain Tumours
Research Laboratory

Choosing to support research in the only way to guarantee and future to children affected by theseconditions.


All charitable donations, no matter how small, will be a very welcome contribution to our fundraising target. Please think of the many people you will be helping and the enormity of the task that Matteo will face.